Maine Orphans Not Forgotten
Map Locations of Institutions
These maps represent locations of institutions at one point in their history; the institutions may not necessarily exist any longer in the map locations given. Many of these institutions have been closed for several years or longer, or have moved to other locations. Some have also assumed different names, or are now private residences. while other institute buildings may have been demolished for other purposes. The map markers are approximate, and may not be the exact location of these homes. Note that some cities have renumbered their street addresses, therefore this may contribute to errors in exact location. If you are having trouble viewing this page, please use either Firefox or Internet Explorer to solve compatibility issues.
Portland Female Orphan's Asylum
Bangor Female Orphan Asylum
Maine Home For Friendless Boys (1901 location)
Kennebec Valley Home for Friendless Boys
Lewiston-Auburn Children's home (1908 location)
Lewiston-Auburn Children's Home (1926 location)
Bath Military and Naval Children's Home
St. Elizabeth's Home (1887 location)
Marcotte Home and St. Josephs Orphanage
St. Mary's Hospital and Orphanage
Eastern Maine Orphan's Home 1922 -1957
Children's Aid Society of Maine (Girl's Home)
Eastern Maine Orphan's Home 1911 Location
Female Orphan Asylum of Portland (1828 location)
Female Orphan Home (on Main St. in 1830, now known as Congress St.)
Protestant Female Orphan Asylum
Children's Home of Portland (1925 location)
Children's Home of Portland (1870 location)
Good-Will Hinckley Home for Boys and Girls
House of Good Shephard (1893 location)
House of Good Shephard (1900 location)
Little Samaritan Aid Society
Our Lady of Lourdes School and Orphanage (1888 location)
Sweetser Orphan Asylum (1917 location)
Rescue Home (1903 location)
St.Denis "Convent" Whitefield Academy & Orphan Asylum (1871 location)
St. Elizabeth Orphan Asylum (1873 location)
St. Louis Home and School for Boys (1921 location)
St. Louis home and School for Boys (before 1920)